“I can’t thank you enough for the support you have given me, for never judging me and for changing how I think for the better. You’ve helped me grow into a happier, more confident person who can now appreciate the good times and take whatever life throws at me! I am truly inspired by your approach to life and can’t wait to read more about it, change the way I look at my own and become a more optimistic person. Never underestimate the impact that your work has!”

“Thank you for your support and your help, and always listening to me. I really appreciated and enjoyed meeting you every week to talk about everything that is going on. I feel like I could talk about anything with you, and while you never judged me, you showed me new perspectives and how I can look at things differently."

"You didn’t give up and tried different tasks with me, so that I could feel better. The most important thing I learned is what is actually important to me, to go in this direction and not worry about anything else. You really make a difference to people’s lives and I learned so much about myself.”

“It has been a journey of discovery for me, and you have opened both my heart and my mind. The guidance and skills I will take with me, remembering that life isn’t always easy but using the techniques I have learnt, I can progress and move forward. Edel, you have picked me up many times and I have left the session feeling able to work through my troubles and be honest with myself.”